Sunday, May 31, 2009

whatever, whenever, wherevere. Blah Blah Blah

Well, seeing as how it has been a long time since I wrote on here, I thought to avoid getting gripped at for not updating (you know who I'm talking to...LoL) I would just go ahead and update it.
Well, it's been almost a month since I started working at McDonalds. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. The mgrs. are great, the people are great. I love having that much customer service and dealing with the customers all day long. Now granted, there are some cranky a** customers that come up in the store and try to put us all in a bad mood just because they got up on the wrong side of the bed, but we just have to keep telling ourselves that we are not going to be run by stupid a** people and allow them to determine our mood.
One (of the many) good things about working there is...since Asher has not started daycare yet, I am working opposite Kent's schedule. Those of you that know us both know how much of an a** he has been latley, and that I just don't want to be around him at times because I might blow up at him, and that would just cause more of an attitude that I am not prepared to deal with at this point. I know the day will come that I will just have to (in the words of Niecy Nash) "take a big girl pill", but I don't feel that day has come yet. LoL
Anyway, stay tuned for more rants and rambles! Love you all!
Thanks to those that read this. I know it's harsh at times.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

new job, new attitude...etc....

Well.....I started a new job on Mon (May 5th), and so far soo good. I am enjoying the people that I work with A LOT, I really like them. I will say though that after being there for a little over a week, I have come to realize what managers are better to work and the others. There are some that clearly don't care, and then there are some that want to see me succeed. Sometimes it is just really frustrating because I know that I should be a faster learner, and I think I am pretty d*** good for only having been at the job for a little over a week, but honestly I feel as though there are mgrs. there that don't want me to stay and could give a flyin' flip whether I do it right or now.
I really am trying to have a great attitude about it, but when there are people over me that are ALWAYS upset about something and complaining...I just get down. I know, I know...I'm transparent. What can I say?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Unloved and Underappreciated!

Well, as I sit here typing this I have tears streaming down my cheeks. It's what the rest of the world called Mother's Day. Yeah, do I happen to be the ONLY women in the world married to a man that underappreciates me. I mean, really! NOT EVEN a Happy Mother's Day! What the h*** is that all about? He is more interested in his STUPID t.v./video games and working to appreciate me. I will admit that I'm not perfect, and am working on my communication skills so I have a way to go to, but at least I am willing, right? He doesn't even seem willing, and that's why I feel the way I do.

I take care of Asher ALL THE TIME, keep the house clean, and work. What does he do....go to work and come home and sit in front of the t.v. and doesn't want me to talk to him. I don't understand it. He needs to talk to me. I know that he can't read my mind, but I can't read his either. I just don't understand it.

Any imput?

Thursday, May 7, 2009



When you extend pure love to everyone with selfless motivation that is an attitude of kindness.

When you send good wishes and pure feelings to those who are in deep sorrow, that is an attitude of mercy.

When you see the virtues rather than the weaknesses in people that is an attitude of compassion.

When you bless and uplift someone even as they defame you, that is an attitude of forgiveness.

When you tolerate a situation and take responsibility as well as give cooperation even when not appreciated, that is an attitude of humility and self-respect.

Every second, every moment and every breath of your life is nurtured by attitude.

Moving, Garage Sales, and the Like

Well, with moving to a new house right around the corner, I have been hurriedly packing and trying to get things cleaned up all at the same time. Life is hectic and crazy busy at the moment. My son's 2nd b-day party is this month too. So, lets recap...we are having a garage sale on May 9th, we begin moving stuff to the other house on May 15th, and Asher's b-day party is on May 16th. We are to be completley out of this present house by the end of May. PLUS, I started a new job on Mon. May 4th, for more income. Why the h*** is it soo hard to live in this world....why is it soo d*** expensive? I will admit that I was manipulated into qutting my job to stay home and take care of kids (that I never got paid for more than a couple times anyway), despite my husband wanting me to contine working. I was wrong to go and do what I though I wanted to do, and go against his better judgment. I'm sorry for that. AND to make matters worse, I couldn't get my job back. Ugh!! So, I have resorted to fast food part time to make up the difference that we need to survive. Oh, and I will admit that we are seeking assistance from the state for my son to go to school/daycare during the day, while Kent and I are at work, a couple years ago...I would have been to proud to ask for help, but you gotta do what you gotta do to survive right?

Well...okay...bare with me while I get on my soap box for just a minute. Can ANYONE tell me why the state caters to the lazy a**es that sit on thier butt all day and don't do anything, or worse, go from job to job (because they don't FEEL peace about the job they are at) and yet, they are the ones that get ALL the financial help. But the people that truly need it, that actually bust thier butt to try and provide for thier family we are screwed and the state says "sorry, there is nothing we can do for you". I mean really, what kind of fair is that. I know that life is not fair, that is one thing that life has taught me, but really! Okay, sorry for that...I will get off my soap box now.

Well, as I mentioned we are having a garage sale on May 9th. We are selling ALL types of things. Since it's a moving sale, there are items such as: washer/dryer, refridgerator, lots of clothes, dishes, misc. items. So, we have been runing around trying to get it all together. I have spent the last couple weeks trying to run around trying to get all these together. Because we only have 2 DAYS LEFT until the sale. So, as you can imagine, our house is a mess (and yes, I do mean, a mess) I know what some of you are thinking. Jodie is such an OCD "clean freak", how can her house be a mess, well is. DEAL WITH IT!! And not to mention, we are also moving too, so not only are thier garage sale boxes everywhere, but also moving boxes everywhere, and also stuff is not exactly cleaned up.

Well, that is enough for now....more to come later.

Jineen---Love you! Thank you!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tag Your it.

...Okay, so this is a blog idea that I stole from my wonderfully, beautifully, talented...Jineen.....I hope you all enjoy it.

8 Things I'm looking forward to

1. summer vacation
2. Getting in the new house
3. Going to Florida for a family getaway
4. These Terrible 2's being over
5. Christmas ( I's a ways a way)
6. having more money coming in, so we are not SOOO tapped for money.
7. making friends

8 things I did yesterday

1. Went to breakfast with my lil man :-)
2. Spent some much needed time with my hubby
3. Washed clothes
4. Went to the dr.
5. Made dinner
6. Watched a movie with my lil man :-)
7. Got stuff together for the garage sale next Sat.
8. Packed stuff to move

8 things I wish I could do
1. buy a house
2. go back to school
3. be a stay athome mom
4. be a bit more confident
5. get lasik eye surgery, so I could get rid of these dumb glasses
6. be more athletic
7. meet Ty Pennington (that man is HOT!!)
8. have another baby

8 shows I watch
2. house
3. law and order svu
4. CSI: NY
5. CSI: Miami
6. Clean House
7. Jon and Kate Plus 8 ( I love that women's organizational skills)
8. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

8 people to tag
1. Jineen's Blog
2. Heather's Blog
3. Jenn Dunn's Blog
4. Sarah Swinford's Blog
5. Sarah Parr's Blog
6. Tracie Wheeler's Blog
7. Sabrina Hill's Blog
8. ummm...I guess I don't have that many friends because I can't think of anyone else.

Thanks to all reading this......

The First Blog-Just me!

Okay, well, yeah, this is my first blog, but after taking the advice of a close friend/family memeber, I decided to start MY OWN blog. Yeah, it's gonna be rants and rambalings of me and my life. I am sorry for anyone reading this that is offended, but I if there is one thing in my life that is becoming MORE AND MORE clear to me, it is that you CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE!! No matter how hard you try. I HAVE been burnt by people, been on the other end of gossip, and had close friends and family members betray me. I'M DONE! I'm LIVING FOR GOD, and NO ONE ELSE!
Now, some of you that are reading this may be thinking, OMG...this girl is a b****, but oh, well. I'm done trying to please people. I've spent the majority of my life trying to please everyone and having people approve of what I did. I am not really sure why it took so long, but you live and learn right?
I will LIVE MY OWN LIFE, and DO MY OWN THINGS, to GOD'S GLORY and submit to my husband as I am instructed to do in God's word. I'm sorry if you don't agree with me, I have done some soul searching and been throught a WHOLE LOT more than most people should have to deal with ithin a 6 month period. I think they breaking point for me was back in Feb. (over v-day weekend) when my husband I lost our little girl, Jordyn Blaire. it was at that point that I just GAVE UP and GAVE FULL CONTROL to God. I couldn't do it anymore. I knew that I wasn't strong enough to do it and needed help.

Well, I'm done rambling for now. Thanks for stopping by to listen to me rant. You're awesome! Love you all!