Wednesday, May 13, 2009

new job, new attitude...etc....

Well.....I started a new job on Mon (May 5th), and so far soo good. I am enjoying the people that I work with A LOT, I really like them. I will say though that after being there for a little over a week, I have come to realize what managers are better to work and the others. There are some that clearly don't care, and then there are some that want to see me succeed. Sometimes it is just really frustrating because I know that I should be a faster learner, and I think I am pretty d*** good for only having been at the job for a little over a week, but honestly I feel as though there are mgrs. there that don't want me to stay and could give a flyin' flip whether I do it right or now.
I really am trying to have a great attitude about it, but when there are people over me that are ALWAYS upset about something and complaining...I just get down. I know, I know...I'm transparent. What can I say?


  1. jodie, i am jsut catching up on your blog and i hope your mothers day took a turn for the better after that post!

    the good thing about these blogs is that you can come and get your feelings out and then kinda of feel better instead of starting a fight!

    hope work gets better too!
    love ya

  2. jodie, i want to say two things, first it turned out i didnt have to work yesterday, but it was so late notice i felt too bad to call you and come last minute. second, i want you to think about this and not be mad for me saying how i feel. i think it is great tha tyou have this new blog, and i want you to use it to get out what you have to say. be you, not wife, mother, sister or whatever, just jodie. your only description in your profile is about your kid, and i do agree he is super cute and a wonderful kid, dont let being a mom be the only thing that defines you. let him be on your family blog, keep this one for yourself. put somet hings you like, things you do. i hope this doesn't make you mad, i jsut dont want to think that being a mom is who you are. you have much more than that. let it come out. we are the only twho who know each other and there are no judgements here. be YOU!
    love you and hope you aren't mad
